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Building with Precast Concrete?

We can help you incorporate precast
in your next project. 

Building with Poured Concrete?

We can help!

Building with Gunite/Shotcrete?

We can help!

Building with Precast Concrete?

We can help you incorporate precast
in your next project. 

What is concrete?
Concrete, first developed by the ancient Romans, is a combination of materials, which since the creation of “Portland cement” in 1824 by Joseph Aspdin, has typically been composed of aggregate (stones), sand, and cement mixed with water. The composite of these components generates a material very useful in the construction of structures.

What is reinforced concrete?
With the addition of tensile reinforcements composed of steel bars or mesh, the excellent compressive strength of concrete is combined with the high tensile strength of steel, resulting in “reinforced concrete.” Using high-strength steel that is under tension takes it a step further. By pre-compressing the concrete, this method generates a whole new level of efficiency and increased capacity.

What is gunite/shotcrete?
This material is sand, Portland cement, and water mixed either prior to being shot out of a nozzle (shotcrete) or as it is being shot out of a nozzle (gunite). Both materials are used for freeform applications of this mix of materials where forms are not suitable or convenient. A common application is the construction of pools

How is concrete used?
Concrete, both plain and reinforced, is used in many types of applications including foundations, walls, beams, columns, slabs, shear walls, piles and piers.

Are there professional organizations for concrete construction?
Among the many individuals and organizations that have advanced and improved the application of concrete is the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the Portland Cement Association (PCA).  Their publications have become the basis for the design and construction of concrete at this time.

For precast concrete, concrete cast in forms offsite from the project, both the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute and the Architectural Precast Association have helped forward the progress in the industry.

With extensive experience in conventional and architectural precast concrete, Engineering Techniques, Inc. can help you incorporate concrete in its various forms in your next project. 

Want to learn more about concrete?